
Adriatic Metals strives to create a lasting positive legacy in our near-mine communities and for all our stakeholders. This means:

  • building strong relationships and maintaining proactive, transparent and inclusive engagement with our host communities, as well as with local, regional, and national government. 
  • providing a working environment for our employees that is safe, secure, fair and diverse. Our approach is guided by international labour standards, in particular the International Labour Organization’s core work standards. 

Our approach to social performance is informed by our commitment to leading international standards, including the EBRD Performance Requirements, and is overseen by our Environmental, Social and Governance Committee.

For more detailed information on the project and the work we are doing in the community, please see our Project Update.

Donation to Raska Municipality Association of Soldiers
23 September 2023

Donation to Raska Municipality Association of Soldiers

Placing a memorial plaque on monument to fallen soldiers in Sveta Petka churchyard in Radosice village

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Raska Municipality Day
17 September 2023

Raska Municipality Day

Adriatic Metals Serbia among distinguished guests at Raska Municipal Day celebration

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Sponsorship of traditional
30 August 2023

Sponsorship of traditional "Srecko Lazarevic" football tournament

This August, for the sixth year in a row, we supported the Rudnica football tournament

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Sponsorship of
21 August 2023

Sponsorship of "Three Corner Penalty" mini football tournament

Adriatic Metals sponsored a famous mini football tournament in Raska for the first time

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Second visit of Raska Gymnasium students to our Info Center
3 May 2023

Second visit of Raska Gymnasium students to our Info Center

Raska Gymnasium students and professors visit our Info Center as part of Education project ERASMUS+

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Second visit of our team to Raska Gymnasium
26 April 2023

Second visit of our team to Raska Gymnasium

Adriatic Metals Serbia team visits Raska Gymnasium for the second year in a row

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Cooperation with Raska Municipality Children's Association
7 April 2023

Cooperation with Raska Municipality Children's Association

Our company receives a Certificate of Appreciation from Raska Municipality Children's Association

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12th International Conference on Mineral Resources in the Republic of Serbia
9 November 2022

12th International Conference on Mineral Resources in the Republic of Serbia

For the 7th consecutive year, Adriatic Metals was among major mining companies operating in Serbia at the annual International Conference on Mineral Resources

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Raska Municipality Day
17 September 2022

Raska Municipality Day

Municipality of Raska celebrated its Municipal Day with awards and distinguished guests

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Sponsorship of
12 August 2022

Sponsorship of "Srecko Lazarevic" football tournament

This August, for the fifth year in a row, we supported the Rudnica football tournament

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Raska rock concert
5 August 2022

Raska rock concert

We are very pleased to be one of the sponsors of the traditional rock 'n' roll concert in Raska

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Gymnasium students visit our Info Center
16 June 2022

Gymnasium students visit our Info Center

Raska Gymnasium students' visit to our Info Center as part of student election program "Education for Sustainable Development"

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